
Our Kura offers the following subjects:

Reo Māori, Pangarau, Pūtaiao, Tikanga a iwi, Hauora, Hākinakina, Hangarau & Toi

Wharekura will extend and focus on the following subjects;

Te Reo Māori  NCEA Te Reo Māori & Te Reo Rangatira
Ngā Reo NCEA English
Pāngarau NCEA Mathematics & Statistics
Pūtaiao NCEA Science, Biology & Chemistry
Hitori/Tikanga a iwi NCEA History & Tikanga ā Iwi
Hakinakina/Hauora NCEA Physical Education & Health
Hangarau Hard Technology
Toi Art, Kapa Haka, Mau Rākau
Careers, Gateways & STAR

Most subjects are within the range of current staffing expertise, however it is highly likely some subject teaching/learning will be out-sourced.